From The FPHL Department of Player Safety

Binghamton, NY – The FPHL Department of Player Safety today have announced the following suspensions.  These are the result of the actions of players and coaches during FPHL Game No. 310 in Wytheville, VA on Sunday, March 9th.

Blue Ridge Bobcats Hussey,  SUSPENDED TWO (2) GAMES
Blue Ridge goaltender Greg Hussy has been suspended for Two Games. FPHL Director of Player Safety Dave Jackson stated, 
"During the lengthy delay after the line brawl to start the 2nd period, Mr. Hussey was witnessed  on video, standing in his crease, dropping his blocker and inviting someone off-camera to come fight him. When his intended invitee did not engage, he put his blocker back on, and emphatically grabbed his groin twice, in the direction of his opponent. First offense of the FPHL Executive Board Slur and Lewd Gesture  policy. Mr. Hussey will be suspended for TWO (2) GAMES."

Blue Ridge Bobcats Zemlicka,  FINED & SUSPENDED FOUR (4) GAMES
Blue Ridge Head Coach Vojtech Zemlicka has been suspended for Four Games & Fined an undisclosed amount. FPHL Director of Player Safety Dave Jackson stated, 
"Mr. Zemlicka, either ordered or tacitly condoned his starting five players to go after the Binghamton players at the start of the third period. What happened at the start of the 3rd period was clearly premeditated and from the video, the Blue Ridge players initiated all the fights. Mr. Zemlicka, allowed his players to threaten and incite their opponents during the pregame warmup and Mr, Zemlicka verbally engaged in a running feud with the opposing coach the entire game, culminating in him punching the opposing coach in the face.  Mr. Zemlicka will be suspended for FOUR (4) GAMES and is fined."

Binghamton Black Bears Bohn,  SUSPENDED FOUR (4) GAMES
Binghamton defenseman Dakota Bohn has been suspended for Four Games. FPHL Director of Player Safety Dave Jackson stated, 
"Mr. Bohn was caught on video, engaging with a fan(s) behind his player's bench and he ended the interaction by grabbing his groin multiple times, directed at the fan(s). Later on, as he was leaving the ice, it was reported by the officials that he 'Flipped the Bird" at the BRB crowd. This was two separate lewd gestures. As established by the FPHL Executive Board, each incident will incur a two-game suspension but it will only be considered a first offense and will not trigger the second offense designation."

Binghamton Black Bears Kirkby,  SUSPENDED THREE(3) GAMES
Binghamton forward Tyson Kirkby has been suspended for Three Games. FPHL Director of Player Safety Dave Jackson stated, "Mr. Kirkby committed two egregious actions during the third period line brawl. The first infraction was a sucker punch he delivered to the face of an opponent who was already engaged with an opponent. His opponent, who was engaged in a fight with another Binghamton player, had no idea, nor did he see Mr. Kirkby coming at him when Mr. Kirkby skated over and delivered a vicious sucker punch to his face. This is a Match Penalty for Attempt to injure and he will be suspended for TWO (2) GAMES.  After delivering the sucker punch, a BRB player engaged Mr. Kirkby and the two players fought. Both players eventually fell to the ice and the fight ended as the linesmen intervened. The fight had been over for a good 5-8 seconds and the players got to their feet with the linesmen separating them when Mr. Kirkby unleashed a cheap shot punch, directly to the face of his opponent who clearly thought the fight was over and unable to defend himself. This is an aggressor and Mr. Kirkby will be suspended for ONE (1) GAME.”  
THREE GAME (3) SUSPENSION (Match 2 games, Aggressor 1 game)

Binghamton Black Bears Sherwood,  FINED & SUSPENDED FIVE (5) GAMES
Binghamton Head Coach Brant Sherwood has been suspended for Five Games & Fined an undisclosed amount. FPHL Director of Player Safety Dave Jackson stated, 
"Mr. Sherwood also lost his composure and made no attempt to control his team. Multiple exchanges and taunts occurred during the warmup. Throughout the game, I can see on video that he constantly engages with the opposing coach and the fans. At one point, his player standing directly in front of him on the bench is chirping a fan and performing a lewd gesture to which Mr. Sherwood completely ignores. After being ejected, Mr. Sherwood allegedly went out of his way to confront a retreating fan and punched him in the head. This suspension only reflects his behavior behind the bench, and he will still be subject to additional discipline from the Executive Board for his actions with the BRB fan. While his behavior behind the bench was not as egregious as his counterpart, this is his 5th Game Misconduct in the last 12 months. Because he is a five time repeat offender he will be suspended for FIVE (5) GAMES and fined."

NOTE: Blue Ridge Bobcats General Manager Jimmy Milliken has been fined an undisclosed amount and the BRB PA Announcer Mike Atwell has been suspended for his actions and may not be present in the scorers box area for the next 2 home games. 

The FPHL is a Single-A Minor Professional hockey league operating in its 15th season during 2024-25.